Saturday, June 17, 2006

They say "If you love someone, let them go... "
They failed to mention that it would hurt like hell...

They say "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger... "
They didn't say anything about the pain... The scars...

They say "Love hurts... "
Well, yeah, but they didn't say that it would be this much...

I believe in unconditional love, that it should be given freely...
But sometimes I wonder...
Is it wrong to hope for something in return?
Is it wrong to hope for something more than friendship?
Is it wrong to believe that it's worth fighting for?

Is it wrong, when somebody says "I hope you find someone better than me." to answer "But you ARE the best." ?

Is it wrong, when somebody says "I'm not worth the trouble, the pain." to answer "But you are worth even MORE than that." ?

Is it wrong, when somebody says "Go on with your life." to answer "Sure... But I want YOU to be a part of it." ?

Is it wrong, when somebody says "I'm afraid it'll hurt you even more." to answer "So be it. That's a price I pay GLADLY." ?

I don't think I will ever be able to ask...
To demand...
But is it wrong, to HOPE?

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